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We are specialists in offering genre paintings from the world of Movies, TV, Sports, Music, Video or Books. We have been inundated by requests for us to paint Comic Book based paintings in the past (explaining our name) but we welcome all types of images you would like us to express in an oil painting, if you don't see what you had in mind, email us and we'll mail you back a personalised quote ! There are various examples of our work listed above or within the columns on the left. There are categories for Reproductions and Abstract Art also which although sparse now, will soon be filling up ! Thanks so much for your continued support, please do sign up to our newsletter to keep you better informed..........Thank you !

We do not hold ouresleves out as being authorised Comic Book Art resellers or distributors, and do not therefore carry any paintings in stock based on DC/Marvel/Dark Horse characters, we have been asked on occassion to reproduce a comic cover or iconic image for clients and the images on this site of our paintings serve merely as examples of what we can do. 
This website and everything on sale from it is a tribute and our painters representation of original work from the world of comic book and open media. All characters and representations referred to and artwork produced remain trademark and copyright of their respective owners.

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