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Wolverine bezerker 1


These are examples of some of our paintwork done on request from clients all over the world. Please email us with any questions you may have.
We do not hold ouresleves out as being authorised Marvel resellers or distributors, and do not therefore carry any paintings in stock based on their characters, we have been asked on occassion to reproduce a comic cover or iconic image for clients and the images above serve merely as samples of what we can do.
This website and everything on sale from it is a tribute and our painters representation of original work from the world of comic book and open media. All characters and representations referred to and artwork produced remain trademark and copyright of their respective owners.

If you would like us to paint a similar piece to this, the options are below.


We are of course, always happy to quote you on your own favourite images


 Our third video gallery :                                   Framing Information :




We have painted all sorts of sizes and shapes, so please feel free to email us with your own requirements.



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Price : £70.00
For custom sizes/options please email us : [email protected]
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